I have been using the Soft Touch Naked - Starflower Body Wash for over 3 months, and i been extremely impressed with the starflower body wash. It made my skin very soft for a couple of days. I have then moved on using the hair products, as you may have read my scalp started to get sensitive to SLS, and I have been using A
kin’s hair care range since last November. I
wanted to try another brand and thought of Naked because the shampoos are SLS free and all products are 97% natural!

I took advantage of Boots buy one get one free promotion and brought a whole bundle of hair products.

My locks were transformed into super shiny mirror look using the Naked Shine hydrating shampoofor normal to dry hair and Naked shine hydrating conditoner.

The Naked detox deep cleanse shampoo and Naked detox fortifying conditoner is great for keeping the hair super clean and to remove build up from hair products, I found this one gave me some extra volume which I loved.

The naked smooth silky shampoo and conditoner, made my hair straighter and a good blow dry using my Parlux hairdryer made it super easy to dry my hair straight without using a hair straightener!

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